1.) Download and extract Subversion from here http://subversion.apache.org/download:
shell> cd /usr/local/src
shell> wget http://subversion.tigris.org/downloads/subversion-1.6.17.tar.gz
shell> sudo tar xzvf subversion-1.6.17.tar.gz2.) Install the dependicies and development packages (they need to be the development '-dev'). Below are the libs that it took me awhile to find:
shell> sudo apt-get install libxml-dev
shell> sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
shell> sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev 3.) Install Subversion. I will assume that you already installed Apache, mod_ssl and signed your certificates if not refer to this other blog post of mine in installing apache:
shell> cd /usr/local/src/subversion-1.6.17.tar.gz
shell> sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/lib/subversion --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-ssl
NOTES: Some installation that I read from other websites suggests you to include neon, apr, apr-utils like this for example:
shell> sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/lib/subversion --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-apr=PATH-TO-APR --with-apr-util=PATH-TO-UTIL --with-neon=PATH-TO-NEON --with-openssl=PATH-TO-OPENSSSL --with-ssl
You dont have to do the above! Infact when I did that build, that's when my headache started because of the dependencies. You also do not need to install the individual packages that are required namely apr, apr-utils, and neon. The install script will automatically search for the libraries included with the tar package you downloaded.
Then after configure finishes:
shell> sudo make
shell> sudo make install
This will install the mod_dav_svn.so and mod_authz_svn.so in the modules directory of your Apache installation.
EXTRAS: Some stuffs that I discovered along the way (just sharing :P ):
- This will return the list of files that are using this library that you installed through apt-get. In other words, the installed file locations:
shell> sudo dpkg -L libssl-dev
- Will look at your apt-get history and return which packages you have installed in the past
shell> grep -nwH install /var/log/dpkg.log ;: look at installs
shell> grep -nwH removes /var/log/dpkg.log ;: look at removes- Download the source from the package distribution then install it yourself from source instead.
shell> sudo apt-get source libapache2-svn ;: will download and extract the source files
shell> sudo apt-get build-dep libapache2-svn ;: this will install all the dependencies
shell> cd subversion-1.6.12dfsg
shell> sudo ./configure --prefix=PATH --with-apxs=PATH-TO-APXS-FILEThats it!